Course Description

At BuyMyStuff, you get access to an extensive and varied customer base, thus increasing the visibility and sales potential of your items. The user-friendly mobile app streamlines payment processing, ensuring prompt receipt of order payments. Harness valuable insights into your sales performance, customer behavior, and product popularity, empowering you to make well-informed business decisions. Additionally, gather valuable feedback from customers to continually refine and enhance your products and services, ensuring future success in sales.

In this video, we unravel the steps to kickstart your journey on BMS, the ultimate platform for sellers.

  1. Download the app from the Google Play Store, App Store, or Huawei App Gallery.
  2. When registering on BMS, you can either click on the ‘Sign Up’ button or opt for a quicker registration process by signing up using a social media account by clicking on ‘Login with Google’. If you sign up on BMS, you get access to a large and diverse customer base that increases product visibility and sales.
  3. Select ‘Seller’ and click ‘Continue’.
  4. Fill out all the required information, then Click ‘Register’.

See the below example about how to add relevant information related to your account. 

Profile Pic Upload from Gallery or Camera
Full Name Mark Wood 
Choose Gender Male 
Currency  According to the seller’s choice (ZAR)
Email Address
Phone Number  Choose the country and enter the contact number (excluding the initial zero) e.g. +27123456789
Set password, and Confirm password Password minimum requirements: 8 characters, 1 higher and 1 lower case, 1 special character. E.g. Markwood@123
Referral Code If you have a Referral Code from a sales rep or influencer, etc., then add it here. Otherwise, skip this field.