Course Description

In this video tutorial, you will learn how to cancel an order from your seller portal.

  1. In the seller dashboard, click on ‘Total Orders’.
  2. When a seller receives an order, it goes into the processing section. Search the order that you want to cancel. 
  3. Click on ‘Cancel Order’. 
  4. The option for sellers to cancel orders is a necessary feature to ensure that transactions are conducted in a fair, transparent, and responsible manner. It allows sellers to address unforeseen circumstances, correct mistakes, accommodate buyer requests and maintain the overall integrity of the transaction process. 
  5. When you click on cancel order, a tab appears on the screen. Write the reason why you want to cancel the order, and click on ‘Cancel Order’. 
  6. Including a reason for order cancellation is an important aspect of responsible and customer-centric business practices. It promotes transparency, builds trust, prevents misunderstandings, demonstrates professionalism, allows for feedback, prevents buyer frustration, helps sellers track patterns, and maintains marketplace integrity. 
  7. When the order gets cancelled, it goes into the cancelled section. Also, you can send a message to the buyer regarding the cancelled order if necessary.