Course Description

Setting up a shop on BuyMyStuff offers a robust and supportive platform for sellers to reach a wide audience, conduct secure transactions, and grow their online business. Learn to independently manage your store using our intuitive seller platform.

In this video guide, we will learn how to set up your online store on BuyMyStuff like a pro!

  1. Add your ‘Shop Logo’ (500 x 500) and ‘Shop Cover Photo’ (640 x 320). 
  2. Ensure that you upload a high-resolution/quality shop logo and cover photo as these visual elements are readily accessible to potential buyers, making them essential components of the storefront’s first impression. 
  3. Add your ‘Shop Details’ like Shop Name, Shop Category, and Sub-Categories. Then, add the VAT number of your business, if applicable. Enter your ‘Shop Description’ that will provide an overview of what your store is about as well as your core value offerings.
  4. Add ‘Location Details’. Add shop address, city name, state, and country. While adding location, add the relevant location where you offer pick-ups for orders in case of multiple shop locations. 
  5. Click on ‘Setup Shop’. Now your shop is visible on BuyMyStuff.